Project Factors In Custom Plastic Injection Molding

As in any manufacturing process, a custom plastic injection molding is a complicated, detail-driven and tedious project. As early as in the planning stage, there are a few important considerations to think of.  These would need to be laid out in as much detail as possible. This is to ensure a clear picture of all concerned parties, especially your plastic injection mould manufacturer. A good plan also helps you manage your project timeline. So for a smooth project, keep the following factors in mind.

Budget and Cost Limitations

Information needs to be very specific and straightforward to be able for an accurate and reasonable price quote from the manufacturer.  You’d need to know what you need and they need to be presented in a very clear way as well.  Remember that if there is less work on the part of the manufacturer, the better it is for your company, in terms of lower cost.  Ask yourself these few questions and let your team work out the details :

  • How production-ready are you? Is your plastic moulds design clear and concise? Do you have a prototype? Or if none, is your specification in digital or paper form?
  • What are the material requirements? If you are on a tight budget, be clear with your manufacturer about cheaper options that would still produce quality results. Discuss this freely with your manufacturer, and do not scrimp too much on your plastic injection mould. A recalled product and damaged brand image due to inferior or cracked mould would cost your company more than spending for a higher quality material in the first place.
  • What is your product’s color and texture? For example, though there are the more affordable alternative, a glossy and smooth finish can certainly mean a higher price.


Materials Testing

What testings have you done? Sure, you can rely on your plastic injection mould manufacturer, but your specifications should also undergo sufficient and acceptable tests for maximum service temperature, stress, and other environmental effects. This can help minimize costly errors that would affect your plastic injection moulds and eventually your production bottom line.

Production Size

What is the size of your production run? While a large production run means higher material cost, this can easily be offset by the reduced cost of bulk manufacturing. Run the numbers and work out the ideal size for your needs. You can seek your manufacturer’s insights on the results you have.

Production Speed

What is your project deadline? As with other aspects of the project, let your manufacturer know your timetable. It is important to give them enough elbow room to work on, based on the abovementioned factors. This is because there are also time constraints on the manufacturing part. It is best that everyone is on the same page when it comes to expectations.

Being upfront with your plastic injection mould manufacturer certainly has benefits, as they are in a better position to advise you based on what you have given them. They would know the best practice and can recommend the most feasible materials. Having a good plan can come a long way to the success of any project.

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